7 Ways to Protect Your Positive Mood from Negative people

27th-Jun,16 Purnima

7 Ways to Protect Your Positive Mood from Negative people
Your life becomes so much better when you kick toxic people out the door. You can work on you and your life without someone always putting you down, criticizing you and bringing their negativity to your door. Get rid of people who belittle and degrade you. Here is some tips to protect your positive mood from negative people
7 Ways to Protect Your Positive Mood
7 Ways to Protect Your Positive Mood from Negative people

1. wake up positive

I believe that by waking up and thinking positive, trying to smile and be happy about another day. That will set your mood for the rest of the day. Because if you wake up hating life, hating yourself and regretting everything you did yesterday, those feelings will continue to control you through the whole day and you might end up making the same mistakes and so the cycle continues. But if you decide that each day is a new day. Each day I am give new energy, new minutes and hours to do things with my life. A new day to move on from the past and to keep moving forward. So wake up with a small and a positive intention for the day.
7 Ways to Protect Your Positive Mood from Negative people

2.Exercise Positive

Exercise offers amazing healing benefits. A good workout improves our mental attitude, strengthens our cardiovascular systems, reduces stress, improves our overall quality of life and helps to slow down the effects of aging. Sometimes the last thing we want to do when we’re in pain, tired or overwhelmed is to MOVE, but we have to keep going! On non-flare, non-pain days be sure to MOVE
7 Ways to Protect Your Positive Mood from Negative people

3.Breakfast Positive

Studies show that eating a proper breakfast is one of the most positive things you can do if you are trying to lose weight. Breakfast skippers tend to gain weight. A balanced breakfast includes fresh fruit or fruit juice, a high-fibre breakfast cereal, low-fat milk or yoghurt, whole wheat toast, and a boiled egg. Feast on a diet of positive news and other motivating sources before leaving the house.
7 Ways to Protect Your Positive Mood from Negative people

4.Dress Positive

It's been known for a long time that color has an impact on our psychological mood. Add a splash of uplifting color-yellow or if you want to go a shade further, orange. For men, dress smarter for more confidence.
7 Ways to Protect Your Positive Mood from Negative people

5.Smell positive

Smells trigger early memories, even though you may not be consciously aware of the connection. Just go with it and wear a scent or aftershave that uplifts you. It is said that when we wake up in the morning, those first few moments are some of the most magical and crucial to set the tone for our day. What do you do during that period? Do you have a ritual or habit that puts you in a good mood? I love noting down my dreams, meditating and then writing these daily inspirations with a nice cup of hot water and lemon at my bedside. It’s a soft way to wake up and doing what is dear to my heart, what feeds my soul puts me in the best of moods.
7 Ways to Protect Your Positive Mood from Negative people

6. Think Positive

Positive thinking can help improve many aspects of your life, including coping with negative people. A positive outlook will allow you to see and grasp opportunities to boost your mood.
When you think positive….
• You attract more positive people. Positive people want the best for everyone.
• You have more energy. More energy means getting more out of life and getting more done and being happy in the process.
• You truly enjoy the life you have.
• You hold the key to success. Positive people are more likely to be successful than the negative ones.
• Your positive thinking and optimistic attitude will turn all your problems into opportunities.
• You are living a healthier life. Positive thinking is very beneficial for your health. Several scientific studies have shown that people with a good, positive “vibe” are less likely to suffer from depression and they get ill more rarely than the negative thinkers.
• You will stress less. The main cause of stress is worry and negative thoughts. Positive people overcome stress more easily.
7 Ways to Protect Your Positive Mood from Negative people

7.See the positive

A negative thinker see a difficulty in every opportunity, a positive thinker see an opportunity in every difficulty. Life is your mirror what you see as your outside always comes from your inside. Being optimistic and seeing the bright side has long been linked to better mental and physical well-being, which in turn allows you to better deal with difficult people.