What does your eye color say about you ?

17th-Feb,16 Purnima

It is often said that our eyes speak a thousand words and is the window to our soul. Do you know that the color of your eyes add more than just the beauty element? Do you know that the color of your eyes actually says a lot about your personality? Many scientists have studied on numerous subjects if human personalities are being linked to the eye color. They have concluded that the same genes that form our frontal lobes affect our eye color; hence people with similar irises do actually share distinctive behaviors.
Find out what your eye color says about your personality.

Black eye color

What does your eye color say about you ?
True black eye color is very rare and what we see as black is in actual fact very dark brown. As much as the color black associates with mystery and night, they are a mysterious and responsible and trustworthy person. They are very loyal when they commit themselves to a relationship but very reluctant in the beginning. They are extremely hardworking people. They are able to keep your dark secrets and are secretive themselves

Brown eye color

What does your eye color say about you ?
Brown eye color is the most common eye color in the world. People with brown eye color are linked with positivity, simplicity and creative as brown is a rich earthy color therefore their traits. They are happy-go-lucky and close to the nature. They are confident, practical, caring and attractive but sometimes they have difficulty in expressing themselves. They are very trustworthy people.

Blue eye color

What does your eye color say about you ?
Who doesn’t love the color blue right? Just like the color so fresh, people with this eye color are full of life, extroverts, peaceful, smart and display a great stamina. They can withstand a great amount of pain. They are keen observers. They prefer serious and long-lasting relationship. They put in a lot of extra effort to make other people happy.

Green eye color

What does your eye color say about you ?
Green is the least common eye color people have. Just like the color so rejuvenating and bright, the people with this eye color is intelligent, mesmerizing, possessing high level of curiosity, beautiful and attractive. They are friendly, sweet natured and display a youthful nature. Their flaw would be getting very jealous soon but the positive traits outweigh the negative traits. They hit off the party well with their enigmatic nature.

Grey eye color

What does your eye color say about you ?
Gray known as the color compromised between black and grey. People with this eye color are born leaders and are very strong naturally but gentle too. They are wise, passionate in what they do and the least aggressive people you will come across. They are rational, creative, and flexible and possess great inner strength which makes them great leaders.

Hazel eye color

What does your eye color say about you ?
A fascinating eye color that is so attractive to gaze in that reflects mystery and elegance. People with this eye color are naturally mischievous and sensual. Their negative trait would be that they have a bad temper. They are spontaneous, adventurous, brave and courageous people who love trying out new things. They fall back a little in committing themselves in a relationship though many are attracted towards them.